FOUND trio


A trio of triangular shaped pieces of plastic from the ocean set in a mix of metals

Made to order – please specify style and colour when ordering

*For simple sizing at home – take a measuring tape and wrap it around your finger, mark where it meets with a pencil, unfold, send that measurement over to me and I can make you a ring that fits.



FOUND is a range of jewellery that consists of found washed up ocean debris and mixed metal, handmade in studio by Stefni.

Partnering with The Beach Co-Op, an organisation with an authentic and strong ocean conservation and educational voice.

Each New Moon a team of volunteers (open to the public) do a beach clean up at Surfers Corner, Muizenberg.  These cleanups are the best way to collect, re-use and transform ocean debris into jewellery.

A percentage of each piece sold goes to conservation efforts and projects within the organisation.